Immune Support.
Aloe 24/7 Original -500ml
- Aloe 24/7 is made from mature, wild-growing aloe ferox plants, freshly harvested, pulped and mixed with water to give you a really natural health drink.
- No aloe bitters
- No added sugar
- Vegan Friendly
- Endorsed by Diabetes South Africa.
- Source of calcium, iron & magnesium
- Source of dietary fibre
- Source of natural sugars (glyconutrients)
- Boosts energy, immunity & overall wellbeing
- Relieves symptoms of heartburn, indigestion, stomach ulcers & IBS
- Helps to lower blood pressure & cholesterol
- Improves your bodyās cell-to-cell communication
McNab’s SuperCharge shot- guarana berry-15ml
McNab’s B-Complex vitality shot- dragon fruit-10ml
Your Wellbeing Magnesium Glycinate Plus -60’s
Your Wellbeing L-Theanine Plus- 60’s
Your Wellbeing Quercetin Plus- 60’s
Your Wellbeing Flaxseed Oil- 60’s
Your Wellbeing Liver Support- 60’s
Your Wellbeing Resveratrol- 60’s
About Time Vegan Isolate Protein chocolate- 900g
Earthblends Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies-175g
About Time Vegan Isolate Protein vanilla- 908g
Vitality Moss Raw organic Sea Moss- Gold-100g
- Make your own nutrient-rich sea moss gel
- Contains 92 of 102 minerals our body needs daily
- Removes excess mucus from the body
- Helps maintain a strong immune system
- Promotes a balanced gut and aids digestion
- Supports reduced cholesterol and lower blood pressure levels
- Maintains radiant, hydrated & nourished skinĀ (when used topically as a gel)
- Contains calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins A, B, C, E, K and many more (92 vitamins & minerals in total)
- Helps reduce inflammation due to high omega-3 fatty acids
- Aids in workout recovery as it contains 18/20 amino acids
- A superfood referred to as the "ocean's collagen and multivitamin"
The Herbalist Shilajit- 60’s
Antioxidant Properties: Shilajit is reported to have antioxidant properties that can help protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
Energy and Stamina: Traditional use of Shilajit suggests that it can boost energy levels and stamina. Some people use it as a natural energizer.
Cognitive Function: There is some evidence suggesting that Shilajit has cognitive-enhancing properties and could potentially support brain function and brain health.Ā
Anti-Ageing: Due to its antioxidant content and potential effects on cellular function, Shilajit can contribute to longevity, a slower ageing process, and overall better health.
Testosterone Levels: Studies suggest that Shilajit has a positive impact on testosterone levels and reproductive health in men.
Adaptogenic Properties: Shilajit is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain balance.