Does nourishment affect the way we think and live? Is health just about the body…
Our health is not one-dimensional, we need to nourish our minds and bodies in a holistic approach. We can make small changes to our everyday routines and lifestyles in attempt to guide us to peace. Below are a few guiding principles to help us get there, I recommend choosing only one or two to apply at a given time so you’re not overwhelmed by adding more tasks on your to-do list.
We all crave to be happy. For me happiness lays in a lot of things but one of the things I crave most has to be the feeling of waking up, refreshed and ready to seize the day, every day and going to bed feeling calm and relaxed as if I had done what I set out to do and more – in essence the feeling of being at peace, even when my outer world gets a little crazy. Sustained peace.
I’ve realized that this constant need for happiness adds so much pressure, there’s so much we want to do, experience and achieve and when we don’t get to it, well I start a conversation in my head that does not go down very well. I often end up judging myself for the unimportant tasks that I believe will bring me happiness. The truth is, we can’t always be happy, life happens, we go through grief, we have relationship problems, we fall ill, but we can still be at peace and in acceptance of our circumstances.
Our health is not one-dimensional, we need to nourish our minds and bodies in a holistic approach. We can make small changes to our everyday routines and lifestyles in attempt to guide us to peace. Below are a few guiding principles to help us get there, I recommend choosing only one or two to apply at a given time so you’re not overwhelmed by adding more tasks on your to-do list.
Put down the remote control
I don’t mean no more Netflix and chill, what I mean is to accept that you cannot control all the circumstances in your life situation. You will have days that aren’t so great, but you need to look beyond that “bad” day and that moment to gain the power of being ok with it and staying in peace, even when you feel you are about to turn into The Hulk. Try: Saying to yourself, I accept the situation and I choose to see it differently.
Shush your ego
Make time to clear the thoughts. That constant rambling conversation in your head, taking up room with useless information and fear thoughts. What a relief to not be listening and make room for the thoughts that do matter. Try: 10 Min morning meditation, writing your thoughts on a piece of paper before bed, sketching, focusing your mind, even putting on makeup in a thoughtful manner can become a form of meditation and mind silence.
Drink Water
Water is such a magical and powerful energy source. Many studies have shown that dehydration lowers athletic performance and can make you feel sluggish. So when you are dehydrated, not only is your body compromised, but so is your mind because you are unable to think clearly. Try: Have a glass of water 3 times a day as a routine – perhaps when you wake up, at lunch and before dinner or keep a bottle of water with you in the office to sip throughout the day.
Veg Out
We all know adding veggies means more nutrition but applying that is a little more difficult. Learn to know which veggies increase energy or reduce cortisol, or lower cholesterol etc. This way you eat more mindfully by applying your food to your state of being. Try: Adding some spinach or kale (or whatever you’ve researched) to your smoothie, order takeout from a vegetarian restaurant or create some yummy snacks like julienne carrots, celery and hummus.
Skin Deep
Nourish your skin, too often we neglect that the skin is our biggest organ. A skincare ritual is not only important for physical self-care, it also offers a certain amount of time for you to clear your mind, relax and shift focus to your self. Try: Setting up an evening routine, 10 min that includes face wash, toner, serum, lotion and what ever your go-to products are. Bonus if they contain relaxing essential oils. Then take this 10 minutes to really focus on what you are doing and feeling all your sensations.
Adding one or two of these is meant to guide you to a more calm, accepting, and peaceful state so you can live fully, sleep well and feel only love towards yourself.
Let us know if you’ve tried any of these – or anything else for that matter and if it’s made any changes to the nourishment of your mind, body and soul.
Wishing you abundant health and happiness