Why dōTERRA – Red Robyn Essentials Part 3

Why dōTERRA? (Red Robyn Essentials Part 3)
This is a question often asked. Especially when we have so many essential oil brands on the market. Let me share with you some of the reasons why I chose dōTERRA.
PURTIY & POTENCY DōTERRA completes an unprecedented amount of testing, 56 on every batch of oil, to ensure consistent purity & potency. They look across the globe to find where a specific plant thrives & produces the best chemical constituents in order to create the most potent plant medicine. As a result they have an ever-expanding product line, 140 essential oils & counting, sourced from over 45 nations.
TRANSPARENCY Every batch is sent to a 3rd party lab & if it does not pass the test then it is not bottled. The results are published for free online: All you need is the coded number from the under side of your bottle to punch into www.sourcetoyou.com and obtain the results for that specific bottle. DōTERRA also produces clinical trials in order to stay at the forefront of science.
SUPPORT When starting out on our oil journey it can become overwhelming. Which oil can I try for my sore back, my best friend’s anxiety, or my son’s ADD diagnosis? The beauty is that we become a part of a global network of CPTG essential oil fanatics who offer us tried & tested options for overcoming our wellness challenges. Mothers, fathers, professionals & amateurs become unified under a common cause: to become empowered to be physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually well.
EMPOWERMENT DōTERRA does not buy farmers out. They realize that without the dedicated toil of growers & the mastery of distillers they are nothing! They know the farmers value & treat them such along with fair & timeous payment terms. They look at the community’s needs & actively provide facilities such as water pipes, schools & clinics. This is referred to as a blessing on both sides of the bottle. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=82&v=Q70EFAddZdI&feature=emb_logo
SUSTAINABILITY DōTERRA looks at sustainability long term, and only offers oils that will be sustainable in an ethical way. For example for every Sandalwood tree harvested, 350 trees are planted.
GIVING BACK Healing Hands is a non-profit organization funded by members, employees and executives of the company. An example of an organization supported is Operation Underground Railroad, which is dedicated to rescuing children from sex trafficking in several countries. Funds are utilized to construct & run safe houses where the children are educated, rehabilitated & empowered to change the course of their lives. https://doterrahealinghands.org/
I have a number of other reasons why I chose dōTERRA, yet it’s by implementing these oils into my life that I have come to understand that not all oils are equal.
If you’d like to find out for yourself what makes these oils so precious, why not join us on one of our FREE online Fresh Earth Introduction to dōTERRA Essential Oils classes – Whatsapp Red Robyn on
084.511.1886 for date and time options, the Zoom link and to book your space.
Essentially Yours,
Red Robyn